- Associate Professor and Interim Director of the Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries
Religion & Ecology; Theology & Science; Catholic Systematic Theology
- Academic Program Manager
- Quarterly Lecturer
Canon Law: Lay Ecclesial Movements and Mixed-Membership Associations, Consecrated Life Law, Marriage Law
- Quarterly Lecturer
- Quarterly Lecturer
Systematic and Fundamental Theology; Christology, Jesus of Nazareth, and Biblical Theology; Ignatian Spirituality; Pastoral Theology.
Contextual themes: Diaconate and Lay Leadership Formation, Migration and God, Latin American & Liberation Theologies, Human Rights, U.S. Latino, Oscar Romero and the UCA Martyrs - Quarterly Lecturer
- Quarterly Lecturer
Liturgy: Sacramental Theology, Theology of the Eucharist, Liturgical Year, the Catechumenate Process, along with emphasis on pastoral practice
- Associate Professor & Associate Provost for Faculty Personnel and Policy
New Testament & Early Christianity
- Quarterly Lecturer
Restorative Justice, Victim Offender Dialogue in Crimes of Severe Violence
- Quarterly Lecturer
- Assistant Professor
Systematic Theology; Ecclesiology; Theological Anthropology; social issues and questions concerning embodiment.
- Quarterly Lecturer
- Assistant Professor
Systematic Theology; Sacramental Theology; Ecclesiology; Liturgical Theology
- Associate Teaching Professor
Fundamental Theology, Christology, and Christian Spirituality
- Quarterly Lecturer
- Quarterly Lecturer
Christian theology, Indigenous thought, comparative pneumatology, Latina/o Theology