The vision of the Gerald and Sally DeNardo Science Scholars program is to support the undergraduate research experience of outstanding science students with Santa Clara University faculty mentors. Scholars receive academic year and summer research and supply awards. The program is funded through a generous endowment created by Gerald and Sally DeNardo.
Meet the 2024 Science Scholars

Michael Allen '26
Biology major / Public Health minor
Faculty Mentor: Pascale Guiton, Biology
Project Name: Defining the role of ROY2 in Toxoplasma gondii differentiation

Aundrea Cooney '25
Neuroscience, major / Biology minor
Faculty Mentor: Laura Cocas, Biology, Neuroscience
Project Name: The Role of Neuroligins in Oligodendrocyte Development, Neuron-OPC Connectivity, and Myelination

Angelina Graf '26
Biochemistry major
Faculty Mentor: Ben Stokes, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Project Name: Single-Step Syntheses of α-Quaternary Aldehydes and Investigation of Intramolecular Through-Space Charge Transfer

Roberto Mercado '25
Public Health Science major / Journalism minor
Faculty Mentor: Alice Villatoro, Public Health
Project Name: Understanding Latino/a Attitudes Towards Government Funded and Non-Profit Health Programs and Mental Health Services in the South Bay

Steph Nivaggioli '25
Biochemistry major
Faculty Mentor: Ian Carter-O'Connell, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Project Name: Using Coding to Increase Throughput in Analyzing PARP-14 Automodification and PTM Sites