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Council on Inclusive Excellence

Advancing inclusive excellence or excellence through inclusion is a campus-wide goal reflected in Santa Clara's Jesuit values and traditions. As stated in the Fundamental Values of the University's Strategic Plan,"We cherish our diverse and inclusive community of students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni, a community that is enriched by people of different backgrounds, respectful of the dignity of all its members, enlivened by open communication, and caring and just toward others."

In September 2007, the Provost's Office established the Provost's Council on Inclusive Excellence and the Student Inclusive Excellence Council to advance inclusive excellence on the Santa Clara campus. A year later the Provost's Council was expanded and renamed the Council on Inclusive Excellence (its current name). The Council in both its current and original forms, as well as the Office for Multicultural Learning, are significant initiatives that build on the University's concerted efforts in this important area. An Inclusive Excellence Student Advisory Council, formed at the end of Spring Quarter 2008, serves in an advisory capacity to the Council on Inclusive Excellence.

With the start of the new Vice President for Inclusive Excellence on July 1, 2021, the Council on Inclusive Excellence has been reframed and reorganized as the Inclusive Excellence Liaisons, which consist of faculty and staff representing each VP area, Centers for Distinction, College and Schools and other areas.

The following are the Inclusive Excellence Liaisons for the 2024-2025 Academic Year and will work closely with Shá Duncan Smith, Vice President for Inclusive Excellence and Ray Plaza, Senior Director, Office for Diversity and Inclusion.

Area Name

College of Arts and Sciences

Margaret Hunter

Leavey School of Business

Emily Wilcox
School of Engineering

Ricky Padilla & Ed Maurer

School of Education and Counseling Psychology

Marco Murillo

School of Law

Dori Pina

Jesuit School of Theology

Ed Stewart

Miller Center

Ricardo Cortez

Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Thor Wasbotten & Ann Skeet

University Relations

Sergio Lopez

Enrollment Management

Lorenzo Gamboa

Mission and Ministry

Aaron Willis


Jessica Everhart

Finance and Administration

Maggie Malagon


Melissa McAlexander

Student Life

Jason Fitzer

Human Resources

Shirley Mata