The Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University is an international center of scholarly and ministerial formation, with a faculty and student body consisting of lay men and women, Jesuits, clergy, and members of other religious orders.
The Jesuit School was established in 1934 as Alma College. Located in Los Gatos, California, it was founded to serve the needs of the California and Oregon Jesuit provinces.

The Jesuit School of Theology looks forward to your visit! Contact the admissions department at jstadmissions@scu.edu if you are a prospective student who would like to visit in order to learn more about JST's academic programs. For alumni and friends of the school who wish to visit, we would love for you to visit! Ou school community gathers for Mass and a simple supper on Tuesday evenings and all are welcome.
“Theology is an expression of a Church which is a ‘field hospital’, which lives her mission of salvation and healing in the world. Mercy is not just a pastoral attitude but it is the very substance of the Gospel of Jesus.”